The Truth About Investing

Investing isn't easy. Let me try to make it a bit easier.

Hey friends, the truth about investing is that it’s hard.

After you get paid, take care of all your bills and whatever else… maybe you don’t have anything left for investing.

Or maybe you just have a small amount. And you wonder: will this ACTUALLY make a difference?

Investing is absolutely CRUCIAL. So, let me try to make it a bit easier for you.

Before we get into it let me give a quick thank you to our sponsors who help keep this newsletter 100% free to you, the reader:

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1) Why are you investing?

The first step to making investing easier seems obvious, but most miss it.

You need a WHY.

If you don’t have a North Star reason for why you are investing, it will be even harder than it already is.

“I wanna be rich” is better than nothing, but I think you should dig deeper than that.

If you have a family, maybe it’s ensuring their future and security. You never want them to go without and to always be provided for.

Maybe it’s because you don’t want to work until you’re 65 and you want the freedom to do whatever you want and not need to make a paycheck.

Whatever it is. you need to define it. Once you figure out your motivation for WHY you should invest, you will have a much easier time with it.

2) Understand investing over the years

Once you have your why, it’s time to understand how investing works over the years.

Not over days, or weeks, or even months. You need to think in years.

YEARS?? Who’s got time for YEARS?? Successful investors… that’s who.

One of the biggest mistakes investors make is thinking too short-term and expecting life-changing gains in less than a year.

Yes, that can happen but don’t expect it or plan for it.

Understand that to be successful with investing you will need years. And understand that if a specific investment is currently down a lot, given enough time (if it’s a good investment), it will go back up.

3) Find the money

Next, you need to find the money. For me, this meant I had to do something that was NOT sexy and something I didn’t want to do.

I had to start budgeting.

Personally, I use and love YNAB, but you can use whatever tool you want.

All that matters is that you figure out how to still have even a little money left over in a month to invest.

4) Small amounts are fine.

Once you find even a little bit of money to invest, run some calculators.

Do the math and realize that given enough time, even small amounts can turn into giant amounts.

Ideally, you want to invest as much as possible, but even a smaller amount like $150 a month can turn into almost $350K in 30 years.

All you need is time on your side.

If that doesn’t seem like enough, invest more. But having $300K instead of $0 is a massive difference.

5) Increase your income

Sorry to be Captain Obvious here, but one of the best ways to make investing easier is to make more money.

This could be a raise at your job. It could be starting a side hustle or business.

Unlimited options on how to make more money.

Investing isn’t easy. Making more money isn’t easy. But both are VERY worth it.

Want a bunch of ideas for how to make more money? I have a playlist on YouTube for you:

6) Build more income that doesn’t come from working more.

One of my biggest hacks for investing more was from me buying more income.

What do I mean?

Build passive income investments that pay you. Then use that money to invest even more.

I have a bunch of passive income streams that pay me every single month. These give me access to $10,000+ of extra money I can then invest.

This also takes time to work towards, but once you get some momentum it can be crazy powerful.

This is basically what I teach in Zzz Money Club. We have guides and courses on proven passive income strategies.

The best part is that we have a 7-day no-risk free trial. If you want to make passive income, you need to check out the club.

See you next week!
