My Top Crypto Gaming Plays for 2025

Crypto gaming is poised to be one of the biggest narratives of this upcoming crypto bull run.

Crypto gaming is poised to be one of the biggest narratives of this upcoming crypto bull run.

And I think it will onboard more new users into crypto than anything else that’s come before it combined.

So, I’ve been making bets that fit these beliefs.

Here are some of my top crypto gaming plays for 2025:

Gunzilla Games is a gaming studio that will be launching the game Off The Grid. This is a AAA title with a pretty impressive team behind it, including Neill Blomkamp, who is behind movies like District 9 and Elysium.

I bought some validator NFTs that will passively earn me their GUNZ token when the game launches. I bought these in a private sale we did in Zzz Money Club (one of the many perks).

I think this game not only looks fantastic, but based on the gameplay I’ve seen so far, it seems like it will be incredibly fun too. This is one of my biggest crypto gaming portfolio positions.

This is an early-stage cyrpto gaming studio play. Playa3ull is building a series of games that are crypto-enabled in various ways. You can buy their nodes or even buy fractions of their nodes and earn their tokens passively. This one has a pretty small market cap, so I think it has a ton of upside potential in the bull run.

I’ve covered them in a bunch of videos on my channel.

Nexoa is a POW (you can mine it) crypto that wants to crypto-enable existing games. They have nodes, so you can earn passive income. It’s a super small market cap project at less than $6M… so lots of room to grow. This is definitely a highly speculative bet, but it could pay off big if it does well within the gaming narrative this bull run.

Cornucopias is an open-world MMO in development. This one is seriously beautiful and all their alpha releases look really great. I have some of their file nodes which will serve up the game files to people around the world and earn rewards while they do it. I think buying land in their game is also a very interesting opportunity here too since the game hasn’t been released yet and land is so cheap (I’ve bought a lot).

I recently sat down with the two CEOs of Cornucopias and became even more bullish on this one.

This is another AAA game title that is looking to be released close to the next bull run. It’s backed by a gaming team with a ton of pedigree. The game looks great and the gameplay looks super fun.

There are some interesting mechanics to this game and game modes. Like their pink slip mode where you lose your gear when you die in the game. So if you have a very expensive item and die, someone else can take it. I think this will make the game viral because of all the content creators out there who will make content around this idea.

I have bought quite a few of the Persona NFTs. I think they look great, but they will also have staking in the future. When you stake your NFTs you’ll earn the UNA token. This is related to their gaming studio, Unagi, who is the studio behind Persona and a bunch of successful mobile games.

There is a ton of layers to this one that I can’t cover in a simple blurb in the newsletter, but I have high hopes for it. I haven’t covered this one in a video yet, but my friend Jesse Eckel is also really bullish (even more than me) and he did cover it in a great video you should check out.

I view Perion like it’s a crypto gaming index fund. They invest in a bunch of gaming plays with their DAO. You can buy their token and kind of get exposure to all those plays. It’s not actually an index fund. You don’t get direct exposure. But I imagine that if all those gaming plays they’ve invested in do well, the token will also do well in the future.

Perion also has two gaming-related products that I think could be quite successful, XP.GG and Fanplay.

I’ve talked about Galaxis before in the newsletter. This is NOT a crypto gaming play. At least, not directly. I’m including it here because I think it pairs nicely WITH crypto gaming plays. Galaxis is a community-building tool. They make it easy to create communities. I think this could be a nice fit with many of the gaming plays coming out this cycle.

I have a few other MISC plays in my portfolio, but these are the biggest and most important to me.

Have a great rest of your weekend!