This is your last chance (Save 30%)

This is it. Sorry to blow your inbox up, but I know my premium crypto membership, Zzz Money Club, is going to help you prepare to make money this cycle and scale.

For far too long it’s been too cheap (it’s way less than other memberships). That’s why prices go up at midnight (CST). But you can still get in the club now for the cheapest price it will ever be.

We’ve helped so many of our members achieve amazing results:

Plus you can see exactly what positions and sizes I have in my portfolio and see what I buy/sell and when.

Get access to exclusive and lucrative giveaways. Like getting ALL my referrals from various projects (hundreds of clicks a day):

Or win sweet crypto hardware for FREE to earn passive income:

I’m confident Zzz Money Club can help you. If you want to succeed in crypto, make passive income, and have access to a ton of valuable resources, the you need to join the club… and do it NOW before the price goes up 30% at midnight tonight.

And if you want even MORE value (and to only pay ONCE), then you should consider joining our Legendary membership.

Ok. That’s it. This is my last email reminding you about the price change for Zzz Money Club. After this, it’s back to my regularly scheduled programming.

So it’s up to YOU now whether you jump into this great opportunity or not. Reply to this email if you have any questions!

Happy New Year!