The Secret Of Crypto Mining

This is how I've made hundreds of thousands from crypto mining.

I started mining crypto in 2014. I made a lot of mistakes and wasn’t very successful.

My biggest mistake was giving up.

I jumped back into crypto mining in 2017 and this time I went full force… but I’ve still made plenty of mistakes.

But I’ve also had massive successes (multiple six-figures).

The secret behind those successes is what I want to share in this newsletter.

So many crypto miners pick a crypto they want to mine. Then they sell some or all of that crypto each week or month. If their electricity costs are lower than what they sell the crypto for, they make a profit.

I don’t do that. I don’t sell regularly.

In 2018 as the altcoin season was ending and crypto was crashing, I found a crypto called Zelcash and started mining it at home.

In 2020 they rebranded to Flux.

In 2018 I was mining over 1,000 Flux (zelcash) per day.

In 2022, FLUX hit a price of over $3.00 per coin.

Because I wasn’t selling my FLUX coins as I mined them (I was just stacking them up), I had a huge bag of FLUX stored up as it hit these incredible highs.

Since I mined and held my coins, I basically was mining over $3,000 a day back when I first started (retroactively).

And this is the secret to the REAL success in mining, in my opinion.

I am not interested in small daily profits. I am interested in MASSIVE returns that I don’t mind being patient for.

This is how I view my Kaspa mining right now.

At this moment I’m mining around 15,000 Kaspa a month (roughly $2,500 USD).

It costs me $593 a month in hosting/electricity costs.

I could make nearly $2,000 a month in profit right now if I was just selling each week or month.

But the problem is that I’m convinced that Kaspa will go to at least $0.50 per coin on the ultra-conservative side this cycle. More likely, I think we’ll see $1-2+ Kaspa.

If I hold these coins now and sell when/if that happens. I’m making $15,000+ a month in retrospect.

THIS is why mining is so exciting to me. You can gain these coins passively over time NOW and hopefully sell them for huge gains LATER.

And the beauty of this is that you can also sell your machines at that point and make money back (maybe even a profit) OR if you want to keep the machines running, keep earning a passive income salary every day from it.

Definitely do whatever you think is the best strategy for you, but I wanted to offer my strategy in case it resonates with anyone.

Want to see my latest mining machine purchase? Watch this video: