If you don't want a boring life, read this.

I wish I had learned this way sooner...

This is something I firmly believe:

If you want to be average, you need to do what everyone else does.

Seems obvious, but average is average for a reason. It’s what most people do.

But what if you want more than that?

You are going to have to take risks, go against the grain, and be prepared for people to think you are crazy/stupid.

What am I talking about?

When my wife and I decided to buy our house, we bought it in a rougher part of the city that hadn’t yet fully changed, but we thought it would.

We had lots of people tell us that this was a huge mistake and we should reconsider.

We live in one of the most popular places in the city now and our house has 4X in value.

It was the same as when I first started investing in crypto.

Everyone I talked to thought I was being stupid. Not only was I investing in something dumb, I was buying it when no one cared about it. When it was at its lowest.

Many of those same people were texting me during the bull run to ask if it was a good time to buy it. They missed it.

People even now ask me if I’m STILL doing that “youtube thing.” They talk about it dismissively as if it’s something only teenagers do from their bedrooms.

Yet my “silly” YouTube channel made multiple six-figures last year.

Here’s my point: Everything that is even remotely outside the box or a little bit contrarian is going to be met with a TON of resistance.

People want to live ordinary and safe lives.

They then let those personal choices dictate how they see the world. They think that’s just “how it should be.”

And therefore, they dismiss anything that doesn’t fit neatly into their view of the world.

So you have to ask yourself. Do you want to live a different life?

And if you do… do you actually care what all those people think?

For me, the answer is obvious.

I don’t care at ALL what the average person thinks of my life choices.

All I am interested in is living the life that I WANT. Life’s too short to let others decide it for me.

Are you the same?

If so, just know that it’s not too late. No matter how old you are or if you’ve yet to break away from the “normal.”

I waited until my 30s to do this. Some people don’t do it until their 40s or 50s. Doesn’t matter.

All that matters is that you do.

This video might be helpful if you are thinking about making changes:

I wish you all the best, and I’ll see you in the next one.
